Bedoelde je: Kabbala
Kabala van en.wikipedia.org
Kabbalah or Qabalah is an esoteric method, discipline and school of thought in Jewish mysticism. A traditional Kabbalist is called a Mekubbal ( מְקוּבָּל, ...
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Kabbala is een vorm van joodse mystiek of esoterie die binnen rabbijnse kringen ontstond in het twaalfde-eeuwse Europa. Wikipedia
Kabala van reformjudaism.org
Kabbalah (also spelled Kabalah, Cabala, Qabala)—sometimes translated as “mysticism” or “occult knowledge—is a part of Jewish tradition that deals with the ...
22 mrt 2024 · Kabbala, esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. Kabbala has always been essentially an oral tradition ...
Practical Kabbalah in historical Judaism, is a branch of the Jewish mystical tradition that concerns the use of magic. It was considered permitted white ...
Kabbalah is an ancient spiritual wisdom that is over 4,000 years old, and it is meant for absolutely everyone. No matter what your country of origin, gender, ...
Kabbalah means “received.” In common use today, Kabbalah refers to the received wisdom of theology of Jewish practice built upon teachings handed down through ...
a hodgepodge; confused medley; jumble. an extensive array or variety. total obscuration in an eclipse. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT ...
The meaning of KABBALAH is a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a ...
Kabala van www.jewfaq.org
The mystical school of thought came to be known as Kabbalah, from the Hebrew root Qof-Beit-Lamed (קבל), meaning "to receive, to accept." The word is usually ...
Kabbalah is the name applied to the whole range of Jewish mystical activity. While codes of Jewish law focus on what it is God wants from man, kabbalah ...