Lundazi van en.wikipedia.org
Lundazi is a town in the Eastern Province of Zambia, lying near the border with Malawi, around 116 mi (187 km) north of Chipata. Lundazi is known as a ...


Lundazi is een stad in de oostelijke provincie van Zambia, vlakbij de grens met Malawi, ongeveer 186 km ten noorden van Chipata. Lundazi staat bekend als een "Boma" of administratief centrum. Het was een voormalig koloniaal hoofdkwartier. Lundazi... Wikipedia (Engels)
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Lundazi van en.wikipedia.org
Lundazi District is a district in Zambia, located in Eastern Province. The capital is Lundazi. The district shares borders with Chasefu District to the ...
Lundazi district is one of the old districts in Zambia which was established in 1942 as a Rural Council then later established as a District Council in 1991 ...
Lundazi began as a British Overseas Military Administration (BOMA) in Zambia. In other words, it was a colonial headquarters. Today, it is the District ...
Lundazi is a town located in the Eastern Province of Zambia. It is located in the most Eastern parts of the country on the border of Malawi and near where the ...
The small, pleasant town of Lundazi. It's perched high above the eastern side of the Luangwa Valley, and close to a quiet border crossing to Malawi.
Lundazi is known as a "BOMA" (The Swahili word for a thorn fence, built to protect livestock or travelers' camps. Often misinterpreted as British Overseas ...
Lundazi van www.lukusuziriver.com
Lundazi Zambia's gemstone capitol in the Eastern Province has a long history of mining for aquamarine and tourmaline.
Lundazi van www.lundazicouncil.gov.zm
Lundazi district is one of the old districts in Zambia which was established in 1942 as a Rural Council then later established as a District Council in 1991. It ...
Lundazi van www.growinghopeglobally.org
The Zambia Lundazi program is working with communities in the Eastern part of Zambia who face limited access to food due to frequent droughts and high poverty ...