Mazar-i-sharif van en.wikipedia.org
Mazar-i-Sharif is the regional hub of northern Afghanistan, located in close proximity to both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It is also home to an international ...
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Mazar-i-sharif van www.britannica.com
Mazār-e Sharīf came under Afghan rule in 1852 and became the political hub of Afghan Turkistan in 1869. After their military intervention in 1979, Soviet forces ...
On August 8, 1998, Taliban militia forces captured the city of Mazar-i Sharif in northwest Afghanistan, the only major city controlled by the United Front, the ...


Stad in Afghanistan
Mazar-i-Sharif of ook wel Mazar-e Sharíf is een stad in het noorden van Afghanistan, nabij de grens met Oezbekistan. De stad valt samen met het gelijknamige district en is de hoofdstad van de provincie Balch. Wikipedia
Hoogte: 1.171 ft
Provincie: Balch
The victory at Mazar-e Sharif is legendary. In October 2001, Special Operations Forces (SOF) linked with the Northern Alliance, a 19th Century indigenous force ...
Mazar-i-sharif van wikitravel.org
It has a population of nearly 200,000 people. The Blue Mosque in the center of the city, on Afghan New Year's day (March 21, 2011) ...
Mazar-i-sharif van en.wikivoyage.org
Mazar-e Sharif (مزار شریف), or Mazar-i-Sharif, or just Mazar, is a city in Afghanistan and the capital of Balkh Province.
Mazar-i-sharif van en.wikipedia.org
The fall of Mazar-i-Sharif (or Mazar-e-Sharif) in November 2001 resulted from the first major offensive of the Afghanistan War after American intervention.
Mazar-i-sharif van artsandculture.google.com
Mazār-i-Sharīf, also called Mazār-e Sharīf, or just Mazar, is the fourth-largest city of Afghanistan, with a population estimate of 500,207 people.
Hundreds of Taliban were attacked in the streets and killed, and at least 2,000 taken prisoner, only to be summarily executed and their bodies dumped in wells ...
Mazar-i-sharif van www.aljazeera.com
14 aug 2021 · Capture of Mazar-i-Sharif gives the Taliban control over all of northern Afghanistan, as it also draws closer to Kabul.