Software as a service. Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring, and office tools (such as Microsoft Office 365).
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Software as a Service

Software as a Service, vaak afgekort als SaaS, ook weleens software on demand genoemd, is software die als een online dienst wordt aangeboden. De klant hoeft de software niet aan te schaffen, maar sluit bijvoorbeeld een contract per maand per... Wikipedia
Software as a service (SaaS /sęs/) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.
SaaS works through the cloud delivery model. A software provider will either host the application and related data using its own servers, databases, networking ...
Software as a service (SaaS) is a way of delivering applications remotely over the internet instead of locally on machines (known as “on-premise” software).
What is SaaS? SaaS stands for software as a service. Get the facts on the origins, benefits, and future of the cloud-based software delivery model.
SaaS or Software as a Service uses cloud computing to provide users with access to a program via the Internet, commonly using a subscription service format.