gabon van en.wikipedia.org
Gabon officially the Gabonese Republic, is a country on the Atlantic coast of Central Africa, on the equator, bordered by Equatorial Guinea to the northwest ...
gabon van www.cia.gov
Gabon, a sparsely populated country known for its dense rainforests and vast petroleum reserves, is one of the most prosperous and stable countries in central ...


Land in Centraal-Afrika
Gabon, officieel de Republiek Gabon, is een land in Afrika dat grenst aan Equatoriaal-Guinea, Kameroen en Congo-Brazzaville. De hoofdstad en grootste stad is Libreville. Wikipedia
Hoofdstad: Libreville
Officiële taal: Frans
Oppervlakte: 103.347 mi²
Landnummer: +241
Inwonersaantal: 2,389 miljoen (2022)
Werelddeel: Afrika
Valuta: Centraal-Afrikaanse CFA-frank

Meer om te vragen
gabon van www.britannica.com
3 sep 2024 · Gabon, country lying on the west coast of Africa, astride the Equator. A former French colony, Gabon retains strong ties to France and to the ...
The U.S. established diplomatic relations with Gabon in 1960 following Gabon's independence from France. Relations between the U.S. and Gabon are excellent.
Located in Central Africa, Gabon boasts a wealth of natural resources. With a coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, it is bordered by Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea ...
gabon van www.bbc.com
1 sep 2023 · GABONESE REPUBLIC: FACTS · Capital: Libreville · Area: 267,667 sq km · Population: 2.3 million · Language: French · Life expectancy: 64 years ( ...
The Republic of Gabon is situated on the western shores of Central Africa. It is bordered by the Gulf of Guinea to the west, the Republic of Congo to the ...
gabon van www.nature.org
Learn about nature conservation in Gabon, including environmental issues and resources from The Nature Conservancy. Start exploring Gabon!