\h matches horizontal whitespace, which includes the tab and all characters in the “space separator” Unicode category. It is the same as [\t\p{Zs}]. \v matches “vertical whitespace”, which includes all characters treated as line breaks in the Unicode standard. It is the same as [\n\cK\f\r\x85\x{2028}\x{2029}].
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\h Match a horizontal whitespace character. \ ... All printable characters, which is the set of all graphical characters plus those whitespace characters which ...
10 jul 2020 · \h matches horizontal whitespace, which includes the ... They will match anywhere in the line, but only one group of whitespace characters.
\H matches a single character that is not a horizontal whitespace character. Examples of horizontal whitespace characters are. 「text」 without highlighting. U+ ...
26 jan 2023 · How can I check if a string has any whitespace characters in it? I do not have to worry about things outside of ASCII for example unicode ...
3 aug 2018 · You can use \h for horizontal space: space or tabulation. ... You can match on the specific whitespace characters you want, rather than selecting ...
18 mrt 2024 · In this tutorial, we explore character notations and ways to remove whitespace characters from a text file without modifying or deleting any newlines.
Two additional character class shortcuts that are frequently needed are \s for whitespace characters, and \S for non-whitespace characters.