"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... ( photo : Zinnert ) Galium mollugo ( photo : Zinnert ) Galium odoratum Galium luteum Characteristics of the xylem The xylem within the of Rubiaceae. 395 Rubiaceae.
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... Galium odoratum 97 ; photo , 97 Garden chamomile 76 Geranium 97 , 191 G. sanguineum ' Cedric Morris ' 97 ; photo , 97 ; 191 , 197 G. x cantabrigiense ' Biokovo ' 97 , 191 , 197 Germander 73 , 120 , 144 , 158 , 161-169 , 178 , 192 Giant ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... photo on page 117 . Colorado blue spruce ( P. pungens ) , Norway spruce ( P. abies ) , white spruce ( P. glauca ) FAMILY : Pinaceae ... Galium odoratum See photo on page 117 . Sweet woodruff, waldmeister. Directory of Brewing Herbs 107.
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... photo Filipendula ulmaria , 158 Filipendula vulgaris , 148–159 ; June photo Filix fragilis . See Cystopteris ... Galium odoratum , 97 ; May photo Galtonia candicans , 208 ; July photo Garden chrysanthemum , 260-261 Garden forget ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... image shows F. densiflora Fumaria species (fumitory) - image shows F. occidentalis Galium odoratum (woodruff) Galium verum (lady's bedstraw) Geum urbanum (wood avens) Glechoma hederacea (ground ivy) Hedera helix (ivy) Helianthemum ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. - Fagus sylvatica woods - PC E Galium pallidum C. Presl (G. aetnicum auct. Fl. Ital. p.p.) ... (Photo by F. Conti) Sherardia arvensis. Fig. 5 Galium magellense (Photo by F. Conti). 162 R.
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
Design and Build Your Own Zsofia Pasztor, Keri Detore. Arcostaphylosuva-ursi (Photo by Holli Margell) Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff HARDY TO: –35°F (–37°C) SIZE: 6 in. (15cm) tall x 16 in. (41cm) wide REGION(S): all except desert RAIN ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... ( Photo : April 1993 , E.-D. Schulze ) Fig . 2.15 . The 105 - year - old Fagus sylvatica stand ( in 1996 ) at Collelongo in the Abruzzo Moun- tains , Central Italy . The stand has a sparse understorey of Galium odoratum and Geranium ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... Photo 36 . ASSOCIATIONS : Salvia sclarea and Verbena bonar- iensis , photo 36 . Use two of these in a wonderfully large ... Galium odoratum , photo 3 ; Geranium endressii , ' War- grave Pink , photo 144 ; Geranium ' Johnson's Blue ...
"Galium odoratum" image OR foto OR photo van
... Galium odoratum Perennial with creeping underground stems and erect 4 - angled stems up to 25cm , stems hairless except at nodes . Leaves in whorls of 6-9 , lanceolate , to 5cm , widest in the middle or above middle . Flowers white ...