- require (something) because it is essential or very important."I need help now"synonyms: require, be in need of, stand in need of, have need of, want, be in want of, be crying out for, be desperate for, demand, call for, necessitate, entail, involve, have occasion for/to, lack, be without, be short of, miss, necessary, required, wanted, desired, lacking, called for, essential, requisite, compulsory, obligatory, mandatory
- expressing necessity or obligation."need I say more?"synonyms: have to, be under an obligation to, be obliged to, be compelled to, be under a compulsion to, have need to
- be necessary."lest you, even more than needs, embitter our parting"
- circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessity."the basic human need for food"synonyms: necessity, obligation, requirement, call, demand, exigency
- a thing that is wanted or required."his day-to-day needs"synonyms: requirement, essential, necessity, want, requisite, prerequisite, wish, demand, desideratum
- the state of requiring help, or of lacking basic necessities such as food."help us in our hour of need"synonyms: neediness, want, poverty, deprivation, privation, hardship, penury, destitution, indigence, impecuniousness, difficulty, trouble, distress, crisis, emergency, urgency, extremity, dire/desperate straits, exigency, needy, requiring help, deprived, disadvantaged, underprivileged, in want, poor, badly off, unable to make ends meet, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute, penurious, impecunious, indigent, on the breadline, necessitous
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What is the synonym of needed?
1. necessary duty : obligation no need to apologize the need to pay taxes — Peter Scott 2. a : a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful
noun ; a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation: There is no need for you to go there. ; a lack of something wanted or deemed necessary: to fulfill the needs ...
to have to have something, or to want something very much: Babies need constant care. The doctor said I needed an operation.
The verb need often suggests urgency, stressing the necessity of supplying what is lacking: to need an operation, better food, a match to light the fire.
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NEED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting an energy conscious & educated society. Specializing in K-12 energy education.
Synonyms for NEED: require, want, take, demand, necessitate, involve, challenge, claim; Antonyms of NEED: have, hold, possess, own, supply, sufficiency, ...
A need is something required for a safe, stable and healthy life (eg air, water, food, land, shelter) while a want is a desire, wish or aspiration.
1. necessity or obligation created by some situation no need to worry 2. a lack of something useful, required, or desired to have need of a rest.