
Learn to pronounce need

  1. require (something) because it is essential or very important.
    "I need help now"
    synonyms: require, be in need of, stand in need of, have need of, want, be in want of, be crying out for, be desperate for, demand, call for, necessitate, entail, involve, have occasion for/to, lack, be without, be short of, miss, necessary, required, wanted, desired, lacking, called for, essential, requisite, compulsory, obligatory, mandatory
  2. expressing necessity or obligation.
    "need I say more?"
    synonyms: have to, be under an obligation to, be obliged to, be compelled to, be under a compulsion to, have need to
  3. be necessary.
    "lest you, even more than needs, embitter our parting"

  1. circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessity.
    "the basic human need for food"
    synonyms: necessity, obligation, requirement, call, demand, exigency
  2. a thing that is wanted or required.
    "his day-to-day needs"
    synonyms: requirement, essential, necessity, want, requisite, prerequisite, wish, demand, desideratum
  3. the state of requiring help, or of lacking basic necessities such as food.
    "help us in our hour of need"
    synonyms: neediness, want, poverty, deprivation, privation, hardship, penury, destitution, indigence, impecuniousness, difficulty, trouble, distress, crisis, emergency, urgency, extremity, dire/desperate straits, exigency, needy, requiring help, deprived, disadvantaged, underprivileged, in want, poor, badly off, unable to make ends meet, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute, penurious, impecunious, indigent, on the breadline, necessitous

People also ask
1. necessary duty : obligation no need to apologize the need to pay taxes — Peter Scott 2. a : a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful
noun ; a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation: There is no need for you to go there. ; a lack of something wanted or deemed necessary: to fulfill the needs ...
to have to have something, or to want something very much: Babies need constant care. The doctor said I needed an operation.
The verb need often suggests urgency, stressing the necessity of supplying what is lacking: to need an operation, better food, a match to light the fire.
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A need is something essential: people need food, water, and shelter. When you lack them, you're in need.
NEED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting an energy conscious & educated society. Specializing in K-12 energy education.
Synonyms for NEED: require, want, take, demand, necessitate, involve, challenge, claim; Antonyms of NEED: have, hold, possess, own, supply, sufficiency, ...
A need is something required for a safe, stable and healthy life (eg air, water, food, land, shelter) while a want is a desire, wish or aspiration.
1. necessity or obligation created by some situation no need to worry 2. a lack of something useful, required, or desired to have need of a rest.