... Anemone rivularis Buch . - Ham . ex DC . 1818 , Reg . Veg . Syst . Nat . 1 : 211 ) . 8. A. filisectum ( C. Y. Wu et W. T. Wang ) Starodub . , comb . nov . ( = Anemone filisecta C. Y. Wu et W. T. Wang , 1974 , Acta Phytotax . Sin . 12 ...
... Anemone filisecta Wu et Wang 勐海、勐腊,中山疏林下;根药用。草玉梅 A. rivularis Buch . - Ham .勐海;中山常绿阔叶林下潮湿处;根药用。小木通 Clematis armandii Fr.全州有分布,中山山坡路边灌丛中。 C. fulvicosa Rehd . et Wils .全州有 28.
Rather than focus on defining the phenomenon of ethnicity, this book examines the different social evolutionary contexts in which the phenomenon is manifested.