Flowers are individually small, greenish, produced in large numbers in umbels, and very rich in nectar. Blooms late summer to fall.
Hedera colchica, commonly called Persian ivy, is an evergreen woody vine or ground cover which produces the largest leaves (4-10" long) of any of the ivies. The ...
Hedera colchica is a species of ivy (genus Hedera) which is native to the Near and Middle East. It is commonly called Persian ivy or colchis ivy.
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This tough evergreen groundcover will brighten any shady corner with its large, 6" glossy leaves with their splashy variegation.
Hedera colchica (K. Koch) K. Koch. colchis ivy. colchis ivy. General Information. Symbol: HECO20. Group: Dicot. Duration: Perennial. Growth Habit: Vine ...

Persian ivy (Hedera colchica)

Hedera colchica is a species of ivy which is native to the Near and Middle East. It is commonly called Persian ivy or colchis ivy. It is an evergreen climbing plant, growing to 30 m high where suitable surfaces are available, and also growing as... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Hedera colchica
Family: Araliaceae
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Hedera colchica (Persian Ivy) is a species of evergreen climbing plant prized for its large, heart-shaped, glossy leaves and vigorous growing habit.
$6.00 In stock
Extra large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves with golden yellow centers are evergreen, looking good year-round. Leaves can reach up to 10′′ across.
A vigorous, self-clinging large evergreen climber with leathery, dark green ovate leaves to 20cm in length. Flowers small, yellow-green, inconspicuous, ...
Hedera colchica (K.Koch) K.Koch · Información general · Estadísticas. 989 registros con imágenes.
Colchis Ivy. View Profile. overview characteristics geography timeline information & media contact. Overview. Scientific Name. Hedera colchica. Common Name.