Silene acaulis, known as moss campion or cushion pink, is a small wildflower that is common all over the high arctic and tundra and in high mountains of ...
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Silene acaulis was one of the primary alpine plants studied in the early 1950s in Rocky Mountain National Park by Robert Griggs.
It does best in moist, well-drained, chalk, loamy, or sandy soils with a neutral or alkaline pH. It requires no pruning and is very low maintenance. It is ...
Feb 27, 2023 · This popular rock garden plant makes tight, moss-like cushions of almost spiny, glossy leaves which seem to flow over the rocks. Long, woody ...
Moss campion is a dense, cushion-forming plant native to Europe, Asia and North America. It is very rare in New England, being found only on alpine summits and ...
USDA PLANTS Database. Silene acaulis. This extreme close-up of moss campion flowers was taken in the Pecos Wilderness on the Santa Fe National Forest, New ...
Cushion-like perennial from a woody root and branched crown, forming dense mats up to 3 dm. broad; flowering stems 3-6 cm. tall.
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This Caryophyllaceae has got a maximum height of approximatly 5 centimetres. The Silene acaulis 'Floribunda' is evergreen. Do you want to have more information ...
Silene acaulis, known as moss campion or cushion pink, is a small mountain-dwelling wildflower that is common all over the high arctic and tundra.
Flowers showy, 1 per stem; petals 5, pink, rose, pale lavender, or white, slightly toothed on rounded tip. Grows in rocky exposed sites, cliffs, rock crevices.