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diversen translation | Dutch-English dictionary

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Alleen de hoofdstukken 'instellingen' en 'diversen' blijven nog gesloten. Only the chapters entitled "Institutions" and "Miscellaneous" are still closed for obvious reasons.
Er worden veel nullen besteed aan diversen. Seems like a lot of zeroes are being spent on miscellaneous.
Op het grote prive-terrein vindt u diversen terassen en barbecue-faciliteiten. The large private grounds you will find various terraces and barbecue facilities.
Zlippo heeft speciale slippers en sandalen ontwikkeld voor diversen voetklachten. Zlippo has developed special flip flops and sandals for various foot problems.
More translations in context: several n., Diverse, sundries n., Misc , Divers, Sundry n., Miscellanious ...
See how “diversen” is translated from Dutch to English with more examples in context


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