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largest GF

This behemoth "Goldfish" (pictured left) was caught by Raphael Biagini, in the south of France. The true species of this fish is an Orange Koi Carp.

The largest true goldfish of record was caught by a 16 year old in the UK, it was measured at 5lbs. The fish was believed to have been a pet before it outgrew it's tank and was left in the lake.

life cycle

Goldfish are egg-layers, females can lay up to 10,000!

Most breed in captivity, but they need specific nutrition and enough water.

Their eggs are sticky and will attach to aquatic vegetation, they usually hatch within 48-72 hrs.

It takes about a week or so for the babies, a.k.a. fry, to develope into their basic fish shape. At this stage they're metallic brown.

It can take up to a year for them to grow into adult size and wear their gold scales.


In the 1620's Goldfish were regarded in southern Europe for their metallic scales and symbolized good luck and fortune.

It became tradition for married men to give their wives a goldfish for their one year anniversary, as a symbol of the prosperous years to come. But this tradition quickly died, as the goldfish became more available.

In the wild, the diet of Goldfish mainly consists of crustaceans, insects and various plant matter. Like most fish they are opportunistic eaters, they do not stop eating! Overfeeding and be harmful to their health, typically by blocking the intestines.

Goldfish-specific food has less protein and more carbs and is sold in 2 consistencies. Flakes that float and pellets that sink.

Some die-hard enthusiasts supplement this diet with shelled peas, blanched leafy greens,brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Here's a Wiki link to more info about your Goldfish!