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Alizée Jacotey

A stunning intricate full color portrait of alyzeejacotey, model show 1990, epic character composition, by ilya kuvshinov, alessio albi, nina masic, sharp focus, natural lighting, subsurface scattering, f2, 35mm, film grain,(photorealistic:1. 4),(8k, RAW photo:1. 2), (best quality:1. 4),(ultra highres:1. 2),<lora:LowRA:0.3>, <lora:epiCRealismHelper:0.7>      <lora:alyzee_jacotey_v01-000025:1>
A stunning intricate full color portrait of alyzeejacotey, model show 1990, epic character composition, by ilya kuvshinov, alessio albi, nina masic, sharp focus, natural lighting, subsurface scattering, f2, 35mm, film grain,(photorealistic:1. 4),(8k, RAW photo:1. 2), (best quality:1. 4),(ultra highres:1. 2),<lora:LowRA:0.3>, <lora:epiCRealismHelper:0.7> <lora:alyzee_jacotey_v01-000025:1>
A stunning intricate full color portrait of alyzeejacotey, epic character composition, by ilya kuvshinov, alessio albi, nina masic, sharp focus, natural lighting, subsurface scattering, f2, 35mm, film grain,(photorealistic:1. 4),(8k, RAW photo:1. 2), (best quality:1. 4),(ultra highres:1. 2),<lora:LowRA:0.3>, <lora:epiCRealismHelper:0.5>      <lora:alyzee_jacotey_v01-000025:1>
A stunning intricate full color portrait of alyzeejacotey, epic character composition, by ilya kuvshinov, alessio albi, nina masic, sharp focus, natural lighting, subsurface scattering, f2, 35mm, film grain,(photorealistic:1. 4),(8k, RAW photo:1. 2), (best quality:1. 4),(ultra highres:1. 2),<lora:LowRA:0.3>, <lora:epiCRealismHelper:0.5> <lora:alyzee_jacotey_v01-000025:1>

Model of French singer Alizée jacotey

For the best result, you must adapt prompts, checkpoint ( I recommend this one ), loras enhancer like this one and correct the image issues with the inpainting and Adetailer.

⚠️ About the images of this post, the trigger word and the writing of the <Lora> can be incorrect so correct them if necessary. This is not the final version of the model, Im gonna update it again. Thanks !


Aug 30, 2023
Base Model
SD 1.5
Trigger Words

Images Generated With This Model


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