The story of Wegasm [role: creative director/writer on all pieces]

This integrated idea positioned Durex as the condom manufacturer who could help couples overcome the "pleasure gap"–to wit, help both couples "arrive" together.

Thus was born the term "Wegasm."

Here's the ad that launched a bold new chapter in Durex history. Introducing the Wegasm – when you both orgasm during sex. It's no longer about "me" it's about "we." What we were trying to do here was nothing short of seeding a movement.

You can tell from the copy and product shots featured (a ribbed condom) that this particular print piece ran in Cosmo and other female orientated publications, whereas the one below, definitely Maxim & Playboy. The role of print was to drive to the Durex page on Faceook – we wanted to introduce the idea of Wegasm beyond a static print unit.

Interactive banners
The role digital played in the relaunch of the brand cannot be understated. In some cases we were driving to the Durex Facebook page where a sweepstakes entry awaited them if they "liked" the page, and in others we sent viewers to our online buying partner, drugstore.com.

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He Said She Said
He Said She Said was a Facebook app designed to generate sharing and dialogue with readers who "liked" our page. We created a very detailed and elaborate poll dressed up with comedy and vivid art direction – Because at its heart this was a poll – and who wants to take one of those. So, we had some fun with it.
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Love-Box Banner
Durex launched a new product in the middle of our Wegasm campaign, for a designer tin they named Love-Box. Each tin housed three condoms, but what made it cool were some really interesting designs. It allowed women to carry condoms in their purse stylishly and discreetly – in essence, Love-Box helped you disguise your condoms.

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