Robert Frank – Street Photographer Study 2


Robert Frank, who was born on November 9th 1924, is a very famous photographer and documentary filmmaker. Most know of Frank from his most popular and known book titled ‘The Americans’ which was published in 1958. The Guardian in 2014 described ‘The Americans’ as a book which “changed the nature of photography, what it could say and how it could say it…”

From what I have learnt about Street Photography so far, I have come to realise that what makes Franks work so successful and interesting is the literal approach in which he takes, meaning that, in street photography where the subject is usually unaware of what is going on, in a lot of Franks images it is obvious that the subjects are aware of what is going on and in turn he creates these beautiful images which exploit society at the time. The photo above really intrigues me as it gives a sense of animosity, not knowing what the person actually looks like, it creates suspense.


I really find this photograph to be very powerful because it really exploits society at the time in that there was the segregation laws. As you can see in this photo the divide between the white people and the black. I find the expressions on all of the subjects faces to really piece together a story and has many very powerful connotations in that the children featured in the imagery may not really understand such divide.

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