Japanese Bento Box Tradition: Discovering the Art of Kyaraben

Kyaraben, also known as character bento (or kyaraben bento), is a popular Japanese food art that has captured the hearts of many worldwide. This type of Japanese bento box is arranged to resemble cute and whimsical characters or objects, bringing joy to both the maker and the recipient.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating history and culture of kyaraben. We will also introduce the top kyaraben creators and showcase some bento box lunch ideas for kids.

Additionally, we will provide helpful techniques and tips for making your own cute Japanese bento box.

The History and Culture of Kyaraben

The term “kyaraben” comes from the Japanese pronunciation of the English words “character bento,” which perfectly describes this unique art form.

Although the exact origins of kyaraben are uncertain, it is believed to have emerged in the 1980s when Japanese mothers began creating adorable lunch boxes for kids. Soon after, it became a cultural sensation throughout Japan.

Kyaraben Represents the Japanese Culture of Perfectionism

Aside from being a form of food art, kyaraben represents the Japanese culture of perfectionism, attention to detail, and love for cute and whimsical characters. This art form is also a way for people to show their love and care for their family and friends.

In recent years, the popularity of Japanese style bento box has spread globally, with people from different parts of the world creating their own versions using local ingredients and cultural references. Some kyaraben artists have even turned it into a profession, creating intricate and detailed designs for events, competitions, and social media.

Who are the most popular Japanese Bento Box creators?

While there are many talented kyaraben creators, we will showcase the impressive skills of top 3 artists and provide delightful examples of cute lunch boxes for kids.

Their delightful examples of cute and whimsical lunch boxes for kids (and adults!) are sure to inspire those who appreciate the artistry and charm of the Japanese Bento Box.

Get ready to be amazed by the artistry and creativity of these talented individuals!

Li Ming Lee (Bento Monsters)

Li Ming Lee creates amazing lunch ideas that are not only visually stunning but also delicious and nutritious. Her designs often feature a mix of fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein, and she is known for her creative use of food coloring and other decorative elements.

Here are some examples of her creations.

Shirley Wong (Little Miss Bento)

Shirley Wong’s kyaraben designs are characterized by their bright colors and whimsical themes, and she has gained a large following on social media for her creative and imaginative character lunch boxes.

Here are some examples of her creations.

Etoni Mama

With the aim to entertain her daughters, a Japanese mother of three discovered her talent in food art, creating adorable fried egg masterpieces that caught the attention of many on Instagram. Her creations have gained popularity for their cuteness and intricate details.
Here are some examples of her creations.

Japanese bento box

Tips for Making Kyaraben

Well, now you want to make your own creative lunch that’s not only delicious but also visually appealing? Why not try making a kyaraben?

Here are some tips to help you get started with your first Japanese bento box.

1. Start with simple characters
It’s best to start with a simple character or object for your first kyaraben. Choose something that you’re familiar with, like a smiley face or a heart shape, and work your way up to more complex designs.

2. Use small tools
Small tools like tweezers and toothpicks can help you to create the fine details of your kyaraben. You can also use small cookie cutters to create shapes out of your ingredients.

3. Choose colorful ingredients
Bright and colorful ingredients make your kyaraben look more appealing. Use a variety of vegetables, fruits, and meats to create a visually appealing lunchbox.

4. Be patient
Creating a kyaraben takes time and patience, so don’t rush the process. Take your time to shape the rice and add the details, and enjoy the process of making a Japanese bento box.

5. Use food-safe materials
When decorating your kyaraben, make sure to use food-safe materials like nori seaweed, vegetable colors, and edible decorations. Avoid using non-edible materials like plastic toys or items that can be harmful.

6. Get inspiration 
Look up photos and videos of kyaraben online for inspiration and ideas. You can also use cookie cutters or stencils to help you create your designs.

7. Practice makes perfect
Don’t be discouraged if your first kyaraben doesn’t turn out the way you imagined. Keep practicing and experimenting with different ingredients and designs to create a lunchbox that’s uniquely yours.

Remember, creating a kyaraben is all about having fun and expressing your creativity. With practice and patience, you can create beautiful and delicious lunchboxes that will impress your friends and family. 

Advice for beginners
If you’re new to kyaraben, it’s important to start with simple designs and work your way up to more complex designs. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempts don’t turn out perfectly, as it takes practice and patience to master the art of kyaraben. Start with simple designs such as a smiley face or heart-shaped rice balls.


In conclusion, kyaraben is a unique and fascinating art form that has captured the imaginations of people around the world, particularly those who appreciate the Japanese bento box tradition. From its origins in Japan to its current popularity on social media, kyaraben has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.

The top kyaraben creators mentioned in this article are just a few examples of the incredible talent and creativity that exists in this field of Japanese bento box art. With their intricate and detailed designs, they have inspired countless others to try their hand at creating their own kyaraben masterpieces, thereby keeping the tradition of Japanese bento box alive and thriving.


What is a Japanese Bento Box?

The bento box is a traditional Japanese lunch box that is specifically designed to carry a single-portion meal, typically consisting of a main dish and some sides.

Is Bento Box Considered a Healthy Food?

It depends on the contents of the bento box. Traditional Japanese bento boxes often include a balanced mix of rice, protein, and vegetables, which can make for a healthy meal.

Can I Make My Own Kyaraben or Bento Box?

Absolutely! Making your own kyaraben or bento box can be a fun and creative way to enjoy a healthy and delicious meal. There are many online resources and tutorials available to help you get started.

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