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Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution
Photo by Moncef Belyamani

Are you looking for cheap and elegant way how to store you LP’s? I find out Ikea Expedit to be ultimate choice for many audiophiles.


(not mine)

another guy

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And some pictures:

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

It can take up to 2300 record for this biggest version. This one is actually mine.
Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

But be careful, you don’t want to end up like this:

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution

Ikea Expedit vinyl record storage solution
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