
KLM extends sponsorship contract with Dam tot Damloop


KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has extended its existing contract with the Dam tot Damloop (“Dam to Dam Run”) by five years until 2023. KLM President and CEO Pieter Elbers and Cees Pronk, Director of Events and Sponsorship of organiser Le Champion, signed the contract at KLM headquarters.

KLM has been sponsoring the Netherlands’ largest running event for the past fifteen years. “KLM has been committed to the Dam tot Damloop for quite a few years, now,” says Pieter Elbers. “I’ll be taking part for the seventh time this year and, every year, it’s a feast for the eyes, together with about 1,170 colleagues from all around the company. I look forward to running with this large group on 22 September followed by a welcome glass of beer afterwards.”

Cees Pronk is extremely enthusiastic about the extension of KLM’s ongoing relationship. “We’re especially proud that Le Champion can continue its partnership with KLM,” he says. “Together with KLM, we are committed to supporting a healthy and active society. It’s great that KLM is choosing the Dam tot Damloop to encourage its employees to exercise as much as possible.”

Fifty thousand runners

On Sunday 22 September 2019, fifty thousand runners will have the opportunity to participate in the thirty-fifth edition of the Dam tot Damloop, one of the largest business runs in the world. The unparalleled atmosphere, the run through the IJtunnel under Amsterdam Harbour, and the fact that the start and finish are in two different cities, all make this event so special.

The previous day, Saturday 21 September, will see the equally atmospheric Dam tot Dam Walking Tour. Walkers can choose from distances of 10 kilometres, 20 kilometres, 27 kilometres, and 42 kilometres. For the first time this year, KLM will have at least four hundred employees participating.