Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Andorians

3. The Aenar Are Their Secretive Cousins

Andorian Female Talas Star Trek Enterprise

First revealed on screen at the end of the Star Trek: Enterprise episode United, the Aenar are a subspecies of the Andorians native to Andoria's Northern Wastes. The Andorians considered them a myth until they encountered them in the early 22nd Century.

The Aenar are physiologically similar to their cousins. However, they lack skin pigment and have a pale ice-blue or white appearance instead of vivid blue.

Most Aenar are blind. However, their other senses make-up for their lack of sight and are considered superior to the senses of other humanoids.

Along with their heightened senses, Aenar also have highly developed telepathic abilities. They use their ability to communicate with each other and can project themselves to other humanoids. They can also defend themselves from telepathic mind control.

The Aenar and Andorians are genetically compatible. Thy'lek Shran's half-Aeenar daughter had paler skin than her father and fully developed eyesight, unlike her mother.

Culturally, the Aenar and Andorians are opposites. The Aenar are pacifists rather than warriors. Aenar communities are leaderless rather than an Empire governed by a chancellor. They appoint a Speaker as situations warrant. One of their core beliefs is that a person only dies once they've fulfilled their purpose in life.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.