Inspired by the Moon: Would you live via the lunar cycle?

If you are unlike me, who vigorously follows astrology, you probably don’t pay attention to the moon phases…unless, of course, a special moon is all over the latest news or your social media feed.

You may be unaware how impactful the moon has been in affecting how we live our lives in many different aspects. For example, it is common knowledge that the Moon influences the tides because of gravity. But you may not know that many moons ago, our ancient ancestors used to measure time by counting the number of moons that had passed from a certain period. It wasn’t until 4236 BC, Egyptians developed into a 365 day solar calendar we currently use. We don’t even have to go as far back as that, our Chinese neighbours still use the lunar calendar to harvest amongst many other lovely celebrations that are worth looking into!

Phases of The Moon

From a creative point of view, the Moon has fueled the imaginations of poets, artists, and musicians since the beginning of time. Today I want to share with you how to make the most of your creativity during the four main phases of the Moon:

  1. New Moon: Plant the seed! “ The New Moon phase is great for developing new ideas and receiving unexpected insights. Use this time to boost your creativity and put your projects down on paper.

  2. First Quarter Moon: All about balance! This is the best time to develop and learn new skills that build on your creativity or help you materialize your creative project. Also, a good time to set plausible goals and make a plan.

  3. Full Moon: Energy is in the air! During this phase, we feel more extroverted and willing to socialize. Use this time to participate in network events or circles to share your ideas, you may find partnerships or connections that help you bring your project to life. Also, great timing to start executing some of the actions you planned during the previous phase.

  4. Third Quarter Moon: The big picture! After an active Full Moon period, it is likely that you find yourself with more mental clarity during the Third Quarter Moon. This is the time to see the big picture. Try to focus less on the creative side and look at all the pieces working together. Check what worked and what can be improved...don't forget to take notes of what needs to be done during the next lunar cycle so that you can plant the right seeds during the next New Moon!

The next new moon is on 7 September 2021, now is the ideal time to set intentions and goals that you'll develop during the next cycle.

Get in touch and share what new creative projects you are planning to start

Team Contributor: Giannina Chiavetta
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