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local case study



Six Vestas V126 wind turbines with a hub height of 137 m were built at the Pferdsfeld wind farm. The total height of the individual wind turbines is exactly 200 m. Together, the turbines will generate more than 44,000 MWh of green electricity per year. This corresponds to more than 17,000 average 2-person households.

Pferdsfeld in Rheinland-Pfalz
21,60 MW of installed capacity
6 wind turbines

local case study



Six Vestas V126 wind turbines with a hub height of 137 m were built at the Pferdsfeld wind farm. The total height of the individual wind turbines is exactly 200 m. Together, the turbines will generate more than 44,000 MWh of green electricity per year. This corresponds to more than 17,000 average 2-person households.

Pferdsfeld in Rheinland-Pfalz
21,60 MW of installed capacity
6 wind turbines

Project Location

Technical Information

LocationPferdsfeld, Rheinland-Pfalz
Capacity21,60 MW
Type of wind turbinesVestas
Number of wind turbines6
Total height200 m
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