Please check back July 1 to order. Persimmons will be back in stock at that time.

Grafted Asian Persimmons

If you are planting specifically for Whitetail deer, we recommend the Female Grafted American Persimmon and the Saijo Persimmon. The other Asian varieties tend to hold their fruit in the tree for an extended period of time. This makes them perfect for picking and eating, but is not desirable for deer plantings as the fruit will rot in the tree if not picked.

Please call 478-357-7968 for inquiries on volume pricing.

Why we love Grafted Asian Persimmons

1. Aesthetically Pleasing: Asian Persimmon trees, also known as Diospyros kaki, are famous for their beautiful dark green leaves that transform into vibrant yellows, oranges, and reds in the fall. This captivating display of colors will undoubtedly become the centerpiece of your landscape, making your garden the envy of the neighborhood.

2. Delicious Fruit: One bite into the firm, juicy flesh of an Asian Persimmon, and you’ll understand why this fruit is hailed as a delicacy. These delectable persimmons have a sweet and slightly tangy flavor, reminiscent of apricots and honey. Their distinctive taste, combined with a custard-like texture, makes them perfect for eating fresh, baking mouth-watering desserts, or incorporating into salads.
3. Disease Resistance: Asian Persimmon trees boast excellent disease resistance, making them a robust and reliable addition to your garden. You can feel at ease knowing that you won't have to invest excessive time or effort in protecting your tree from common ailments. The tree's natural defense mechanisms ensure that it will thrive, providing you with bountiful harvests season after season.

4. Adaptability and Versatility: Whether you live in a hot or cold climate, the Asian Persimmon tree is adaptable and can thrive in a wide range of conditions. These trees have been known to grow successfully in USDA hardiness zones 6-10, making them suitable for gardens across the country. Plant them as standalone specimens, train them as an espalier, or create a stunning orchard – the choice is yours!

5. Low Maintenance: We understand that not everyone has the time or expertise to spend countless hours tending to their garden. That's why Asian Persimmon trees are perfect for low-maintenance enthusiasts! Once established, these trees only require minimal care, including regular watering, occasional pruning, and mulching. Allow yourself to enjoy the benefits of this beautiful tree without added stress or labor.

At Bolu Tree Nursery, we take pride in offering the highest quality trees, and our Fuyu Persimmon Trees are no exception. Order yours today!