Randy Hickey

Randy Hickey

    My Name Is Earl
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up... in the shadow of his older brother, Earl. The Hickey boys weren’t good for much except getting drunk and into trouble.

Living... in a small motel room in the rural county of Camden. He shares the room with his brother and spends most his time helping Earl atone for all the bad things he’s ever done.

Profession... unemployed. The Hickey brothers don’t have time for jobs, as they’re too committed to swinging karma over to Earl’s side before it kills him. Fortunately, the two are able to get away without working for a while, since Earl recently won $100,000 in the lottery.

Interests... beer, and getting funky fresh to Rob Base music. Randy isn’t the brightest bulb – Earl once said that a doctor diagnosed Randy as, “mildly artistic.” But while Randy might not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, he has plenty of talents. A gifted liar, a talented singer, and a surprisingly good dancer, Randy utilizes his eclectic spread of talents to help Earl in his crusade to right all of his wrongs.

Relationship Status... single, and it’s not hard to imagine why. Unemployed, a little dumb, and completely devoid of ambition, Randy has never really gone out of his way to pursue anything more than casual sex. Still, while he might not be much of a catch at first glance, his loyalty and childish charm seem destined to attract the attention of some lucky lady (well, maybe just a regular lady).

Challenge... helping Earl. Randy is inseparable from his brother, and is willing to help Earl with whatever he needs. He doesn't seem to mind constantly playing second fiddle, even though he doesn’t really seem to understand the purpose of Earl’s list, at one point even complaining that, “if [the list] takes too long we’ll never finish it and get back to stealing again.” Loyal to a fault, Randy struggles to assert his independence and make his own decisions.

Personality... childish, listless, and loyal. Randy has spent his entire life as an accessory to Earl. He takes immense pleasure in simple things, and can be wildly entertained by the mere presence of bubble. While Randy is often kind and sweet, he lacks a real moral compass, and allows Earl to act as his conscience and life advisor.


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