How to get Tipp-Ex out of clothes

If your jumper looks like someone’s tried to erase it, here’s how to get Tipp-Ex out of clothes.

Updated 12 May 2022


Author By Cleanipedia Team

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Key steps

If you need to remove Tipp-Ex from clothing or carpets:

  1. 1

    If it’s still wet, use kitchen roll to get rid of as much as you can.

  2. 2

    Scrape away the rest of the correction fluid with fingernails when it’s dry.

  3. 3

    When you’ve removed as much as you can, apply rubbing alcohol if it’s suitable for the material.

  4. 4

    Rinse and dry.

  5. 5

    If in doubt, go to a dry cleaner.

Correction fluid’s an odd sort of substance, and it can be a pain when it gets on your sleeve. How do you get Tipp-Ex out of clothes or carpets? Don’t worry: you probably won’t have to Tipp-Ex the rest of your cardigan to make it match. Here’s what to do when you need to remove Tipp-Ex from clothing.

Gentle methods aren’t cutting it? For a more vigorous approach to how to get Tipp-Ex out of carpet, try gently scrubbing the stain with an old towel after applying rubbing alcohol.

How do you get Tipp-Ex off clothes?

Does Tipp-Ex wash out of clothes? Not on its own, unfortunately. Instead of shoving it straight in the washing machine, follow these steps to get out the white-out.

  1. 1

    If the correction fluid is still wet, gently blot away what you can with kitchen roll; don’t rub, and work inwards from the edge of the stain to avoid spreading it further. Leave the rest to dry before moving to the next step.

  2. 2

    When the correction fluid is dry, scrape away as much of it as you can, using a blunt edge: your fingernails, a butter knife or the edge of a plastic card, for example. Work gently to avoid pulling or damaging the fabric. If the fabric’s sturdy enough not to be damaged by it, you can go at it with a stiff brush after picking off as much as you can manage.

  3. 3

    At this point, if the item is only suitable for dry cleaning, take it to the dry cleaner and explain what’s happened. They’ll know how to get Tipp-Ex off clothes.

  4. 4

    If you’re prepared to try to remove Tipp-Ex from clothing at home, test a little rubbing alcohol on an inconspicuous area of the garment to make sure it doesn’t cause discolouration or damage.

  5. 5

    If you’re sure rubbing alcohol is safe to use on the article, dab it around the edges of the stain and then over the stain itself, using a cotton swab or a clean cloth. If the fabric is thin, do the same thing on the back of the stained fabric.

  6. 6

    After a few minutes (four is fine), rinse the stain thoroughly and let the garment dry.

If this isn’t enough, you may have more luck repeating steps 4 to 6, using a nail varnish remover that contains acetone in place of the rubbing alcohol. However, acetone will eat a hole in certain fabrics, such as modacrylic, acetate or triacetate. If in doubt, go to a dry cleaner.

Once you’ve got the Tipp-Ex out, give the article a normal wash and let it dry.

How to get Tipp-Ex out of carpet

If you’re dealing with carpet, the method is very similar to the technique for how to get Tipp-Ex out of clothes outlined above, although the last few steps are slightly different. In summary:

  1. 1

    Blot away wet excess.

  2. 2

    Scrape away as much of the dry Tipp-Ex as you can.

  3. 3

    Test rubbing alcohol on an inconspicuous corner.

  4. 4

    If it’s safe, use a cloth to apply rubbing alcohol to the stain. Carpets tend to be sturdier than clothing, so you can usually rub a little harder on a carpet than you might be able to on, for example, a T-shirt.

  5. 5

    Leave the rubbing alcohol for four minutes or so.

  6. 6

    Rinse the rubbing alcohol away, but don’t saturate the carpet with water, because it’ll be a pain to dry. Use a sponge dipped in water to clean away the alcohol, rather than pouring it straight on.

  7. 7

    Blot up as much of the liquid as possible with towels or kitchen roll.

  8. 8

    Leave the damp area exposed to the air; don’t move furniture over it until it’s dry. We have an article on how to dry wet carpet if you’re having trouble.

Tipp-Ex stains tend to hit school uniforms most often, so, in addition to the above advice on how to get Tipp-Ex off a blazer, you may be interested in our article on how to clean school uniforms.

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