One Minute Sculpture with Erwin Wurm (Denk mit)
One Minute Sculpture with Erwin Wurm (Carry and Levitate)
One Minute Sculpture with Erwin Wurm (Broom)
One Minute Sculpture (Chair)
One Minute Sculpture (3 Oranges)
One Minute Sculpture (Hanger)
One Minute Sculpture with Dog
One Minute Sculpture (Double Bucket)
One Minute Sculpture (Trousers)
One Minute Sculpture (Shoe)
One Minute Sculpture (Shoe 2)
One Minute Sculpture (Two Shoes)
One Minute Sculpture (Physical Exercise 1)
One Minute Exercise (Physical Exercise 2)
One Minute Sculpture (Physical Exercise 3)
One Minute Sculpture (Museum Bag)
One Minute Sculpture (Museum Bag 2)
One Minute Sculpture (Shoe 3)
One Minute Sculpture (Finger in Nose)
One Minute Sculpture (Bananas)
One Minute Sculpture (Bottle)
One Minute Sculpture (Bottles)
One Minute Sculpture (Board)
One Minute Sculpture (Trash)
One Minute Sculpture (Trash 2)
One Minute Sculpture (Broom)
One Minute Sculpture (Bottles on Feet)
One Minute Sculpture (Trousers 2)
One Minute Sculpture (Box)
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