No, that's not a Monarch Butterfly. Here's how to tell a Viceroy from others.

Michael Price
Special to the San Angelo Standard-Times
The Viceroy Butterfly is known for looking like other butterflies, such as the Monarch and Queen Butterflies.

Most, if not all, animals will utilize camouflage as a defensive mechanism to protect them from predators. One type of defensive camouflage that is employed throughout the animal kingdom is known as mimicry. Mimicry is where one species will “look like” (at least superficially) another species, and mimicry is used by one small species of butterfly that occurs in our great state.

The Viceroy Butterfly (Basilarchia archippus) is well known for its mimicry, or having the appearance of, the Monarch Butterfly. However, throughout most of Texas it more closely resembles the Queen Butterfly.

The upper wings are brownish orange in coloration and are bordered in black. There are numerous small white spots randomly situated inside this black border, particularly along the rear edges of the dull orange-colored wings. The veins and margins on the wings are outlined in thin black.

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Unlike the Monarch and the Queen, this species has a thin black line that intersects the black veins on the hind wings. The head is solid black save for a pair of small white spots, while the thorax is solid black. The abdomen, as with the other two body parts, is solid black.

As this butterfly lands, the wings are clasped together to reveal the under wings, which are yellow orange in coloration, rather than being brownish orange like the upper wings. The Viceroy is smaller than both the Monarch and the Queen as well, only attaining a wingspan of just under two and one-half inches.

The Viceroy Butterfly can be observed throughout much of North America, including most of the United States, with the exception of the higher elevations of the western Sierras. From here, its range extends southward to central Mexico. This butterfly was named the state butterfly of Kentucky in 1990.

This type of butterfly has peculiar preferences for its diet. Unlike most butterflies, which usually feed on flowers and other plants, the Viceroy prefers to feed on the dung of mammals. Occasionally it will feed on tree sap. It utilizes an appendage known as a proboscis to feed on these items. The proboscis is long and almost threadlike, and in times of non-use is curled up under the head of the butterfly.

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The Viceroy, like other butterfly species, undergoes a four-stage life cycle that can be described as nothing short of miraculous. In the beginning stage, their life begins as an egg, which hatches after a few short days into the next stage. Upon hatching, the larvae are known as caterpillars, and at this stage, the growth rate is highly accelerated.

Caterpillars feed on willow, poplar and cottonwood trees, and can eat twice their body weight in a single day, and as such, grow quickly. As they grow, they literally grow out of their skins, and they shed their outer layer of skin up to five times (known as molting) before they enter the next stage of their life cycle.

Caterpillars of the Viceroy are remarkably camouflaged, having the appearance of bird droppings. The caterpillar will attain a length of about one inch. After the caterpillar finds a spot in which it feels is secure, it will pupate as it forms a protective shell about it known as a chrysalis, which also has the appearance of bird droppings. Inside of this shell, the larvae changes into the butterfly that it will soon become.

After about a week, the adult will emerge from this shell with its wings intact, although they are crumpled into small balls on the sides of the body. The butterfly will then pump a clear fluid into the veins of their wings, causing them to expand much the same way a stick can reinforce a kite.

Upon reaching maturity, the Viceroy will immediately begin searching for food, water, and a mate. After mating, the males will continue their search for other receptive females, while the females will begin to look for a site suitable to lay eggs so a brand-new life cycle can begin.

There are different types of mimicry, and the one that the Viceroy, Monarch, and Queen utilize is referred to as the Mullerian mimicry. This type of mimicry is where two or more harmful, or in this case, distasteful species have adapted to have the same appearance, thus providing protection for each other.

Michael Price is owner of Wild About Texas, an educational company that specializes in venomous animal safety training, environmental consultations and ecotourism. Contact him at