Find any part, repair service and market data you need on the largest Aerospace aftermarket platform worldwide.



Find any part, repair service and market data you need on the largest Aerospace aftermarket platform worldwide.


Find what you need

Find all the aerospace parts and repair services you need within the largest aftermarket inventory available worldwide. Use the latest AI & ML based tools to make aerospace parts and repair service purchasing as efficient as possible, plus benefit from ILS customers with transaction capability.

Buyers in Commercial, OEM, MRO, Trader, Defense, Business and General Aviation segments across the globe can leverage comprehensive Market Intelligence for purchasing or long-term planning, and benefit from surplus inventory sales via auctions as well as real-time integration with their supply chain system.

Aerospace Aftermarket Platform

Largest Inventory

Easily find any Aerospace Part or Repair Service within the largest inventory of 1B+ parts and services worldwide

Market Intelligence

Benefit from the latest Aerospace supply chain Insights leveraging our data warehouse built on 6B+ demand and supply part price points

Next Gen Supply Chain Tech

Use AI and ML based purchasing tools and benefit from real-time Supply Chain integration with our Marketplace

ILS Marketplace

Access the largest Aerospace parts and repair services Aftermarket inventory worldwide

Buyers can log in directly to the ILS platform, or via their ERP system and benefit from the worlds’ largest and most dynamic marketplace for aerospace parts and repair services in any Commercial, OEM, MRO, Trader, Defense, Business and General Aviation segment.

Market Intelligence

Maximize your pricing and margin potential using ILS Market Intelligence to improve your competitiveness and supply planning

Leveraging an Aerospace data warehouse built on 500M+ part price points, ILS provides AI driven market intelligence and custom reports you need to determine supply and demand for specific parts, track activity and pricing trends. ILS Market Intelligence Solutions include capabilities such as providing the Fair Market Value (FMV) of new (OEM and PMA) or overhauled parts which includes Quote History, Published and Retail Pricing, Procurement History and List Prices provided by customers, by region.

ILS Aviation Auction

Buy your surplus Aerospace parts, aircraft and engines quickly through the simple to use ILS Auction platform

ILS hosted auctions provide a quick and efficient way to buy or sell verified and depreciated, surplus or discontinued inventory, and even non-ILS customers can benefit from subscribing to our auctions. Buyers can conveniently browse through our simple-to-use, online platform that includes pictures and certification docs.

With ILS Aviation Auction, the buyer is in control. Buy aircraft parts individually or as lots to best serve your purchasing needs. Buyers can enter a bid or make an offer directly to the seller. ILS Aviation Auctions are a convenient way to get great parts at the price you are willing to pay.


Leverage the benefits of automated, real time integration between your Supply Chain systems and the ILS marketplace

Integrate your supply chain systems in real-time with the ILS platform using ERP specific integration solutions, or Web Services to create customized integration capabilities. Direct integration with the ILS marketplace provides benefits such as frictionless and intelligent supply chain management, simplified inventory and RFQ management and improved data-integrity.

Government research tool

Find critical Government and Defense Aerospace parts, suppliers, repair services and data

ILS Government Research Tool (GRT) consolidates millions of government files into usable data, configured for professionals to find the precise information they need quickly and easily. Data sources include: FLIS, MCRL, ML-C, CAGE Code, DOD Forecast—with links to GIDEP, CCR, Technical Characteristics, Procurement History, AMDF, I&S and MOE.

Use the ILS Mobile App on iOS or Android devices to buy and sell on the go.

ILS’ Mobile App allows buyers the ability to search for part availability, create RFQ’s and submit them to be quoted. Suppliers can also view incoming RFQ’s and quotes right from their iOS device, and Message Broadcasts can be researched on your mobile device from anywhere at any time.

ILS is an ideal solution for every buyer.

Purchase your aerospace parts and repair services efficiently from the largest aftermarket community of Commercial, OEM, MRO, Trader, Defense, Business and General Aviation suppliers worldwide.

ILS delivers tremendous value to Wencor Group, and its ever increasing Data Warehouse in addition to eValuators, Data and Analytics services and excellent people are critical to our success.

Brian Rohrenbach

Director - Pricing and Analytics

ILS is an indispensable partner to Cargolux and goes beyond what we need from a marketplace - it's our trusted aviation supply chain partner as a buyer as well as a seller

Tony DeMartines

Aeronautical Purchasing Supervisor