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Huis/museum kunstenaar Anton Heyboer in Den Ilp

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  1. Navea4:07
  2. ANNEMAURE4:09
  3. kbinuk20054:12
  4. jls264:16
  5. Dagina4:50
  6. Msabeedy5:01
  7. Rhiannon5:16
  8. HomeinNH5:18
  9. ababi5:25
  10. Holga5:45


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I don’t like it either but it is making money!


Checked him out - not my cup of tea. I like the outside of the museum better. There's no accounting for taste.

Thank you


Aha, I am not well versed in art but I know what I like when I see it. I thought Anton Hayboer was the town. I am the proverbial ignorant American! I learned something new today and will check out his work. (Geez, 4 wives - must be Mormon or crazy!).


Anton Heyboer is one of the most famous artists of the past century.
Many of his works have been purchased by internationally renowned museums in Europe and America, such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and many other museums at home and abroad. Heyboer lived with four women in a commune in Den Ilp (Landsmeer). The "fifth" wife was his art seller Petra who lives across the street. The Anton Heyboer Art Gallery and Museum is Petra's own independent gallery. Here you can admire and buy original works by Anton Heyboer.


What type of museum is it?

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