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Mabel Rollins Harris

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63 pieces
248 solves
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  1. Dclo2:27
  2. Lekroka2:44
  3. inny2:46
  4. Earendilwasa2:48
  5. mefmouse2:56
  6. paolinca3:07
  7. mon1233:10
  8. Ashtree3:21
  9. dunnett3:21
  10. Jollytime3:28


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Köszönöm és megölel 10-21-5:48 pm


Szeretettel neked kedves Beverly!


Édes mint cukor! Köszönöm 10-20-18...4:02pm


Dear friends! Sometimes it is good to stop and nostalgia.

made me think of the Lassie tv show and movies! Seems Laddie was a popular name for a collie or farm dog. My mom had a dog named Laddie when she was a child, too!


I love this picture. It reminds me of a much simpler time, growing up in the country. My aunts had a collie named Laddie. Thanks for posting. :)

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