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two pictures with the words 20 years later written on them and an image of a pregnant woman's stomach
a purple background with white text on it
Een vrouw schrijft aan haar echtgenoot - grappige plaatjes, grappige foto's, grappige videos, moppen, de beste moppen
an image of a yellow background with words written in black on the bottom right corner
Een punker stapt een kapperszaak
a purple screen with white text on it
Minnaar en kind in 1 kast
some bread is laying on top of a cutting board with the words in german above it
Loopt een Belg
two pictures one with a car and the other has a bird on it
Hé nu weet ik waar die vogels zich mee bezig houden
two texts that are in the same language
the text messages are being displayed on the cell phone screen as well as other texts
whatsapp grapjes - Google zoeken
an advertisement with the words in german and english, on a white sheet that reads
the text is written in green and white
Een leuk vrouwtje
a man standing next to a woman in front of a sign that says, ok i'm ventilalong with the mini skirt but damn you've gota wear a bra
two texts that are in the same language
whatsapp grapjes
whatsapp grapjes nederlands - Google zoeken