+1 (310) 737-8033 hello@remmetstudios.com


Sets and Props - Vintage Bar


Our standing sets have been used in many film, television and new media productions.

Sets and Props - racks full of props


Our extensive prop house houses everything you could imagine and need for every production.

Sets and Props - lobby set with 5 world clocks


Our kit sets are used in many productions and we ensure that whatever your need and creative, we have what you need.

Sets and props are used in Remmet Studio film production to create the visual environment in which a scene takes place. Sets are the physical structures and locations where the scene is shot, such as a living room or a city street. Props are the objects that are used within the scene, such as furniture or weapons. They are used to help create a sense of realism and immersion for the audience, and to provide context and information about the characters and their environment.

In film production, the Sets are the physical structures and locations where a scene is filmed. They can include things like a living room, a city street, or an alien planet. Props, on the other hand, are the smaller, hand-held objects that are used within the scene. These can include things like furniture, weapons, or even small items like a pencil or a phone. They are used to help create a sense of realism and immersion for the audience, and to provide context and information about the characters and their environment.


Sets and props in Remmet Studios production help to create the visual world of the film and bring the script to life such as:


  • Establishing the location and time period of the story
  • Creating a sense of realism and immersion for the audience
  • Providing a physical space for the actors to perform in
  • Helping to define a character’s personality or occupation
  • Advancing the plot or revealing information about the story through the use of specific objects
  • Adding realism to a scene by including objects that are specific to the time period or location of the story