Fingerprint on Michelangelo’s Slave points to the golden boy of Renaissance

Discovery on a wax model by Michelangelo may let doubts over its authenticity melt away
Young Slave by Michelangelo, left, was designed for the tomb of Pope Julius II. A print was found on A Slave, right, a preparatory model for the sculpture
Young Slave by Michelangelo, left, was designed for the tomb of Pope Julius II. A print was found on A Slave, right, a preparatory model for the sculpture

The sculpted buttock of a slave may have provided tantalising confirmation that it was made by Michelangelo.

The wax model, A Slave, created by the Renaissance artist and held by the Victoria & Albert Museum has revealed a thumb or fingerprint that curators believe could belong to its creator — and help scotch pesky question marks over its authenticity.

The print was discovered after the small waxwork was moved out of an upper gallery, where temperatures were rising rapidly during last year’s warm spring, and into the museum’s colder basement storage.

Michelangelo never completed the marble version of the sculpture
Michelangelo never completed the marble version of the sculpture

Curators are increasingly concerned about fragile wax models being damaged as Britain’s summers get hotter.

During an examination of the model after its five months in cold storage, conservators discovered a previously