For years, adding a "love lock" to the Pont des Arts in Paris was a ritual for young couples. The sweethearts would secure a lock onto the railing (usually inscribed with their initials) and toss the key into the Seine below, a somewhat on-the-nose symbol of their eternal, unbreakable bond.

Unfortunately for these sentimentalists, the locks were causing the bridge structural distress to the tune of 165,000 extra pounds. So last June, after a panel collapsed under the weight, the city of Paris cut them off the locks, replacing the bridge's traditional grillwork with clear, padlock-proof plexiglass, and restoring both safety and a view of the river.

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Locks on the Pont des Artes before the city of Paris removed them all.

Now, the bridge serves as the site of  "the Enchanted Footbridge," a sculptural exhibit by contemporary artist Daniel Hourdé. According to The New York Times, the installation, which opened last week, features seven pedestals, eight statues, 10 metal tree-like structures, and a kinetic statue.

"I imagined a kind of hanging garden," Hourdé said in a telephone interview with the Times. "All sculptures are on the verge of equilibrium, on the verge of rupture." The works are striking, and quite the contrast from the former wall of locks, but the city's actions are still controversial. 

However, for travelers looking to continue the tradition, which is thought to have started with the publication of Ho Voglia di Te—I Want You—a popular Italian novel by Federico Moccia, keep your eyes peeled. Locks have starting popping up on bridges throughout Europe and America (to the delight of young lovers, and the dismay city officials).

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Caroline Hallemann
Digital Director

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects