Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami Review: "Picture Perfect"

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If you think I’m good looking you should see my aunt. - Mason's t-shirt

The awesome outfit that Kim Kardashian surely provided the little guy with was not only good for a laugh, it was one of the only moments of baby talk all night! Amazing!

On this week’s Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami, Kourtney was getting obsessive about getting her body back into pre-baby shape, while Khloe returned to Miami from L.A.

Kourtney, of course, goes overboard as could be expected.

She has a shoot for Life & Style, the reputable celebrity gossip tabloid the family has some sweetheart deal with, and tells her stylist that she doesn’t want to be photoshopped.

Because she has so much integrity.


Unfortunately for the eldest Kardashian sis, when she was depriving yourself of food and overindulging in exercise she, like all of us, will lose her cool ... or consciousness.

Kourtney snaps at Scott and Khloe and ending up fainting and in an ambulance to get hydrated. When she had the IV pulled out, she claims she “can’t look at that stuff.” 

This from a girl who had a baby for, and on, her reality TV show.

As for Khloe, she vowed that upon her return to Miami she would no longer be “whining Whitney” and would throw herself into being more helpful to Kourtney and Dash.

She sort of lived up to that promise in "Picture Perfect," too.

Mrs. Odom takes over the shop, babysits baby Mason, and becomes Kourtney’s biggest cheerleader. She feels like rewarding the Dash ladies with a night out at Liv, even.

As people chug vodka from bottles and get dirty in the bathrooms, Khloe claims she can’t party like that anymore now that she’s a married lady. A sad reality we all face.

We gotta say, we were on Team Khloe this week, no matter how much we aren't fans ordinarily. She was trying to help and Kourtney was basically treating her like crap.

You know things are weird when Scott and Khloe find themselves on the same side ... and dare we say, Scott even has wisdom to share. Man, what a weird episode.

Picture Perfect Review

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