Biomechanics, Human Factors & Ergonomics

Layout of Human Factor considerations and the Outcomes The Department of Kinesiology’s Biomechanics, Human Factors and Ergonomics faculties conduct research that spans diverse disciplines and applications.

These include the development of assessment techniques to prevent workplace injuries, measuring the physical demand of drummer-athletes, examining the mechanics of human articular joints during workplace performance, and measuring the cognitive ergonomics factors in human-machine interaction.

 Human Factors and Ergonomics Certificate

Human Factors and Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the interactions between humans and other elements of a system (environment, people and objects) with the goal of optimizing human well-being and overall system performance. (Association of Canadian Ergonomists -- ACE).

Our Human Factors and Ergonomics certificate is designed for Human Kinetics students and graduates holding a BHK (Honors Kinesiology - Movement Science) degree from the University of Windsor who want to engage more substantively and meaningfully in the area of HF/E in automotive, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, aviation etc. The certificate highlights to potential employers, professional organizations, and other institutions that the holder of the certificate has received a foundational level of instruction and experience in the area of HFE that explores in depth such areas as physical demands, evaluation, human-machine/human-system/human-computer integration and interfacing, human performance, human factors, and workplace/tool/instrument design.

Graduate level

The Department of Kinesiology offers a Master’s degree in Human Kinetics with an emphasis in Biomechanics, and Human Factors and Ergonomic. Our graduate students engage in a research-intensive program that borrows from key translational disciplines including biomechanics, occupational ergonomics, organizational ergonomics, and cognition. Working under the supervision of our faculty members, students will explore the biomechanics, human factors and ergonomics applications in fields like transportation, agriculture, user experience, music performance, manufacturing and healthcare.
As a graduate student, you will work on one of the following research teams:

Student testimonials

“The care and support that came from supervisors was something I will always be grateful for.  Overall, the quality of the program, internship experience, and support has also given me confidence in my own abilities at a much earlier stage in my career than I would have otherwise anticipated.” 
-  Ranny Michael, Ergonomist | Unity Health Toronto 

“Taking part in the program helped develop my skills and gave me practical work experience in the UX field. I was able to complete a year long paid internship during my masters with an industry partner in the technology field. This internship provided the experience I needed to gain full time employment in UX research immediately upon graduation.”
- Brian Taylor, UX Researcher |

“I highly recommend the HK program to anyone pursuing a career in ergonomics, human factors or occupational health and safety. My experiences and the support from faculty members were crucial in my professional development, and my current career as an occupational safety specialist”
- Erika Santarossa-Harris, Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Responsible Care Specialist  BASF Canada

“The University of Windsor’s Human Kinetics programs provided me with the skills, knowledge, and flexibility to launch my career in ergonomics and helped me build the foundation for my career.”
-Andrew Patterson | Senior Ergonomist –

Student Project Title Semester Paper/Poster
Angela Cacanindin Overloaded and at Work: Investigating the Effect of Cognitive Workload on Assembly Task Performance Summer 2019 Biondi, Cacanindin et al. (2020) 
Dylan Durward How To Deal With Tendinitis And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Winter 2020 Durward and Azar (2020) 
Danielle Gyemi 3D peak and cumulative low back and shoulder loads and postures during greenhouse pepper harvesting using a video-based approach Summer 2016 Gyemi et al. (2016)
Jonathan Valencia Psychophysically Based Physical Capability Limits For Right
Angle Power Tool Operation
Summer 2019 Valencia & Cort (2020)