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Have an extremely powerful Pokémon that you want two of? Cloning is just the way to do this. By abusing a glitch in the game, you can become the most unstoppable Trainer in the world! It's easy to make another copy of a Pokémon and its hold item without using Gameshark or ActionReplay.


  1. 1
    Move the Pokémon in your PC around, so that you have at least 2 empty boxes.
  2. 2
    Move the Pokémon you want to duplicate into your party.
  3. 3
    Equip the Pokémon with valuable items that you might want to copy (e.g. Master Ball, Rare Candy, Nugget, etc.).
  4. 4
    Switch to an empty box in your PC. When the game asks you if you want to save, select "yes".
  5. 5
    Deposit the Pokémon you want to duplicate into the empty box of your PC.
  6. 6
    Now, switch to another empty box in your PC. CAUTION: when it says do you want to save, select "yes", but keep an eye on the message at the bottom.
  7. 7
    Text will flash across the bottom, saying "Saving, don't turn off the power." Right when the whole word "power" shows up on the screen, turn off the power immediately.
  8. 8
    Turn on the power. Check your party and your PC box. If it worked, you should have the Pokémon in both your party and your PC box.


Community Q&A

  • Question
    I want to clone my master ball. How do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Click on your master ball and it will ask you if you want to toss, give, or use. Choose give and give in to your Pokémon and perform the glitch.
  • Question
    Can I do this in Gold?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it works in both Gold and Silver, however it does not work in Crystal.
  • Question
    What is so risky about doing this in Crystal?
    Community Answer
    In Crystal, the saving formula is different and has a higher chance of losing your Pokémon.
See more answers


  • Clone 6 Eevees, and you are all set for the 5 evolutions of Eevee and itself.
  • This works with any Pokémon and items.
  • Do you want to know how it works? When it saves the change in data, it first saves the data of the Pokémon in the box, then deletes the data of the Pokémon in your party. But if you turn off the Game Boy right between the save and the delete, you have both the Pokémon in your party and your PC box.


  • Read all of the instructions before repeating!

Things You'll Need

  • A Game Boy color, Game Boy Advance or Emulator.
  • A Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal game cartridge or ROM (beware, ROMs are illegal if you don't already own the game)
  • At least 2 empty boxes in your Pokémon PC.

About This Article

Reviewed by:
Gaming & Video Expert
This article was reviewed by Ishrak. Ishrak is a Gaming & Video Expert specializing in sharing Pokémon and Minecraft videos. With over seven years of gaming and streaming experience, Ishrak has a follower base of over 30,000 YouTube subscribers and over 8 million views. He is also a Pokémon ROM-Hacker and some of his most popular videos highlight tips and advice for people learning how to play Pokémon games. This article has been viewed 211,195 times.
Co-authors: 33
Updated: December 25, 2023
Views: 211,195
Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 211,195 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Zippyzz

    Jul 5, 2021

    "This is great but because it is risky in Pokemon Crystal I won't clone Pokemon but rather clone rare candies instead."

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