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20 Reasons Why You Need a Persian GF In Your Life

The Persian Version.
20 Reasons Why You Need a Persian GF In Your Life

So you watched Shah's of Sunset (once) and now you're wondering where you can find yourself a Persian girl. You know the type: gorgeous, dressed in head to toe designer, probably has an adorable bichon frise named Pom Pom.

Well look no further than the suburbs of Vancouver (namely North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and Coquitlam). Your best opportunity to strike gold is around the Iranian New Year when thousands of Persian families come out to Ambleside Beach or Glen Park to indulge in good music, great food, and traditions including fire jumping. Yeah, you heard me.

If that wasn't enough to get your attention then follow along below to read up on why you definitely need a Persian GF in your life. Ps. Somebody date meeee.

1. Her Mom makes THE BEST ghormeh sabzi.


2. Her Dad will always fight to pay the bill.

"Alright, Mr. Mohammad but next time it's on me." *Puts wallet away....forever*

3. March 20th has new meaning to you now.

Even though you still don't really understand who Haji Firooz is.

4. You'll suddenly be so much better at chess and backgammon.


5. You will passively learn Farsi.

It's something called "Farlish" it's when she goes between English and Farsi when talking to her family and all of a sudden you start understanding a new language.

6.You will gain a new appreciation for tea.

And for a dessert called Zoolbia that you can't believe you haven't tried yet.


7. You will be gifted with designer...everything.

Shoes, belts, cologne (a lot of cologne). You name it.

8. You will attend the most EPIC parties.

Shy guys need not apply.


9. She will always speak her mind.

Never again will you hear, "I don't know, where do you want to go?" when asking a Persian girl where she wants to go to eat.


10. You'll often get money for no reason.

Apparently, she has 8 uncles and they are all named "Amoo"...

11. She has a great relationship with her family.

Treat her right and you've basically won the in-law lottery.

12. Your childhood fantasy of dating Princess Jasmine will come true.

Pet tiger not included.


13. You'll quickly understand the meaning of "taarof".

Well, you won't ever truly understand it but at least now you know how to navigate through a crowd.

14. You will experience the greatest hospitality of your life.

"Seconds? Thirds? If you don't eat more I'll be offended..."

15. Even the thin Persian girls have curves for days.


16. Your world changed when you were introduced to tadig.

17. You'll finally learn how much cologne is the right amount of cologne.

An entire bottle should do nicely.

18. If you ever have kids her parents become built-in babysitters.

And you'll probably buy the house next door.

19. You'll learn how to barter for the best deals at PERSIA.

And how to order pomegranates by the crate.

20. Her Dad can BBQ up kababs better than any restaurant in town.


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