University Press van
Daarnaast spelen een afwezige echtgenote, een corrupte politieke partij en een geheimzinnige Rode Domino een belangrijke rol. Petersburg vertelt het verhaal van een Russische familie in de knoop met zichzelf in roerige tijden.
University Press van
... Press seven years to repay this sum to the University . The astonishing size of the deficits in the Carroll years puzzled a lot of people , not only in the Harvard administration but also within the Press . Obviously , income grew ...
University Press van
... Press to Oxford in 1960 and a decade later it was publishing over 150 academic journals and had more than 3,000 titles in print . He excelled , as OUP did not at ... UNIVERSITY PRESS REPOSITIONING OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS , 1970–2004.
University Press van
In het onderwijs heeft zich in de laatste decennia een stille crisis voorgedaan.
University Press van
... press plates ; Bibles were being transferred to web - fed machines , of which the Press had none ; and there was a move from cased to paper binding , and from sewn cases to unsewn ... Press Syndicate [ 242 ] CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
University Press van
... press was a profitable and growing business, but Howley saw trouble on the horizon in the increasing costs of printing, promotion, editing, and general overhead. Increasing costs led to higherpriced books. In addition, university ...
University Press van
... University Press . But Crownfield did not complete the task ; instead it was handed over to Bowyer , who printed the last several sheets in the late summer that year.72 The University Press , in the hands of a man who had served the ...
University Press van
... University . That of Christ's College has a good collection of theology . We have received no information respecting the Library of Jerus College ; and that of Downing College is only sow in the course of formation . The University Press ...