inauthor:"William Dollarhide" van
Designed as a beginner's guide, its 64 pages pack more clout than any 64 pages ever written on the subject of online genealogy. If you ever wanted to trace your family tree online, this book will help you do it.
inauthor:"William Dollarhide" van
Genealogical research in U.S. censuses begins with identifying correct county jurisdictions ??o assist in this identification, the map Guide shows all U.S. county boundaries from 1790 to 1920.
inauthor:"William Dollarhide" van
"Includes master forms for making unlimited photocopies"--Cover.
inauthor:"William Dollarhide" van
Census records and name lists for New York are found mostly at the county level, which is why this work shows precisely which census records or census substitutes exist for each of New York's sixty-two counties and where they can be found.
inauthor:"William Dollarhide" van
Identifies important overland wagon roads used by Americans from about 1735-1815.