In a style marked by extraordinary elegance and subtlety, Erwin Mortier brings a lost world back to life. Shutterspeed is an enchanting novel which evokes all the mystery, wonder and confusions of childhood.
Their marital troubles, however, run deeper than they realize. Suspenseful, tragic, and strangely touching, "Without Mercy" portrays the preciousness of everyday happiness.
It also visits the memory sites of Rupert and Mira's short lived affair. With each story Rupert attaches to these places his defense becomes a little more outlandish, while he comes convinced that his innocence is beyond doubt.
Explores the devastating effect the death of a child has on parents, friends, and lovers after Oda and Paul Klein's eight-year-old daughter, Vera, drowns in a neighbor's pool.
This book is essential reading for anyone who owns, or hopes to own, a pedigree dog and is indispensable for breeders, judges and those professionally involved with dogs.