In eerste instantie was de Poedel een jachthond voor waterwild, maar in de 17de eeuw werd het een echte dameshond of salonhond in Frankrijk. In die tijd is ...
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How much money do you get for 100000views on YouTube?
If you're racking up 100,000 views on your videos on YouTube, you can expect to earn approximately $120 – $800 per 100,000 views. As your channel grows, your ad revenue won't necessarily scale with it. Our research shows that your CPM for video views may drop to somewhere between $1.2 and $8 per 1,000 views.
Did chobuu quit YouTube?
However, in March, Chobuu announced he would stop uploading Shorts videos, citing they were boring to make. As of March 2022, Chobuu's channel is continuously growing quickly as he posts more content.
How much does Marques Brownlee make on YouTube?
The Numbers Behind Marques Brownlee's Success
YouTube Earnings and Endorsements: Marques Brownlee's primary source of income comes from his YouTube channel. It is estimated that he earns a staggering $700,000 USD per month through his engaging and informative videos.
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