"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
The book not only describes the taxonomy and characteristics of marine protozoa but also explores their ecological significance and potential applications in marine biology.
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... INFUSORIE MAGIC ORIGINATED AND MANUFACTURED ST ROBERT J. SCHAEFFER 1818 FRANKFORD AVE . PHILA , PA . MAGIC seems to ... picture whenever it is needed . Each year brings forth papers on the funda- mentals of aquarium management and ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Infusorie ; and similar Works on Natural History , FOR SALE by a Private ... Picture Books , long sets of Queen - street Improvements - Absolute Sale of ... picture boards ; 2s . 6d . cloth gilt ( postage 4d . ) , I V I E N N E ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture gives a good general idea of what is may be made very white and beautiful . As a apt to happen at this ... infusorie . We beg the reader to understand , however , that we qualify our lan- guage in reference to this matter ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Infusorie , Protozoa , etc. , Practical Methods of wish to know the substance of what has been found Preparation ... picture of our desolate North - western terri- tory twenty - five years ago , in contrast with its civilized ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture the writer has before him , must be a terror to all the smaller protozoans or infusoria . From the ... infusorie furnish food to the myriad forms of animal life . They are themselves animal organisms , but of a lower ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture . ANCIENT NINEVEH . - M . Botta , the French Con- sul at Mossoul , commenced , a year back , making ... infusorie find their catacombs . Leuvenheuk had already told us that the human mouth was peopled with infusory ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Infusorie herhaal- delijk in den omtrek van afgestorven Hydroïd - polypen in de aquarium - bakken aangetroffen . 29 ... afbeelding overeen . Ook de dorsale haren waren buitengewoon duidelijk en ik was in de gelegenheid zijn opgaven ...
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
The multilingual dictionary of 1930, Novial-Lexike, may be in itself a sufficient guide to learn Novial.
"infusorie" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Infusorie herhaal- delijk in den omtrek van afgestorven Hydroïd - polypen in de aquarium - bakken aangetroffen . 29 ... afbeelding overeen . Ook de dorsale haren waren buitengewoon duidelijk en ik was in de gelegenheid zijn opgaven ...