The book not only describes the taxonomy and characteristics of marine protozoa but also explores their ecological significance and potential applications in marine biology.
... INFUSORIE MAGIC ORIGINATED AND MANUFACTURED ST ROBERT J. SCHAEFFER 1818 FRANKFORD AVE . PHILA , PA . MAGIC seems to ... picture whenever it is needed . Each year brings forth papers on the funda- mentals of aquarium management and ...
... Infusorie ; and similar Works on Natural History , FOR SALE by a Private ... Picture Books , long sets of Queen - street Improvements - Absolute Sale of ... picture boards ; 2s . 6d . cloth gilt ( postage 4d . ) , I V I E N N E ...
... picture gives a good general idea of what is may be made very white and beautiful . As a apt to happen at this ... infusorie . We beg the reader to understand , however , that we qualify our lan- guage in reference to this matter ...
... Infusorie , Protozoa , etc. , Practical Methods of wish to know the substance of what has been found Preparation ... picture of our desolate North - western terri- tory twenty - five years ago , in contrast with its civilized ...
... picture the writer has before him , must be a terror to all the smaller protozoans or infusoria . From the ... infusorie furnish food to the myriad forms of animal life . They are themselves animal organisms , but of a lower ...
... picture . ANCIENT NINEVEH . - M . Botta , the French Con- sul at Mossoul , commenced , a year back , making ... infusorie find their catacombs . Leuvenheuk had already told us that the human mouth was peopled with infusory ...
... Infusorie herhaal- delijk in den omtrek van afgestorven Hydroïd - polypen in de aquarium - bakken aangetroffen . 29 ... afbeelding overeen . Ook de dorsale haren waren buitengewoon duidelijk en ik was in de gelegenheid zijn opgaven ...
... Infusorie herhaal- delijk in den omtrek van afgestorven Hydroïd - polypen in de aquarium - bakken aangetroffen . 29 ... afbeelding overeen . Ook de dorsale haren waren buitengewoon duidelijk en ik was in de gelegenheid zijn opgaven ...