Het leven Vorticella is een soort protozoön onder microscopmening. 2. 2. Royalty-Vrij; Uitgebreide vergunningen ? XS. 480x319px 6.7" x 4.4" @72dpi.
Auteursrechtvrije foto: parasiet, Plasmodium malariae, erytrocyten, protozoön, malaria plasmodium, microscopie afbeeldingen, parasit, Plasmodium.
Jan 5, 2017 · De gratis high-resolution foto van fabriek, blad, bloem, biologie, flora, protist, protisten, Einzeller, protozoön, protozoen, protozoe ...
A Protozoön general infection producing pseudotubercles in the lungs and focal necroses in the liver, spleen and lymphnodes. JAMA. 1906;46(17):1283–1285 ...
Downloads Gratis Afbeeldingen : ruimte, blauw, protist, protisten, Einzeller, protozoön, protozoen, protozoe, Mikroskop, mikrofotografie, mikrofoto, ...
A protozoön general infection producing pseudotubercles in the lungs and focal necroses in the liver, spleen and lymphnodes. JAMA, 46 (1906), pp. 1283-1285.
Aug 26, 2023 · A protozoön general infection producing pseudotubercles in the lungs and focal necroses in the liver, spleen and lymphnodes. Darling ST ...
The question "What is a protozoön?" has been answered in a number of ways by different writers. Colloquially they are generally spoken of as "single-celled ...
3. Darling ST. A protozoön general infection producing pseudotubercles in the lungs and focal necrosis in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. JAMA. 1906 ...
General infection by protozoön. appearance of the parasite in smears. Lung: This specimen was stained by carbolfuchsin and. Gabbet's methylen blue ...