kijk dan 1 plank van 1 ruisvoren. deze is nog veel groter dan de vorige. ik wist niet eens dat er zulke plakkaten zwommen hier. super gaaf dit. danielweyers.
Even later ook nog een mooie ruisvoren zo groot als me handvat! :D Maar toen… na een poosje zag ik een paar golfjes en daarna ook belletjes. na een paar ...
... ruisvoren ruisvrij ruitbreuk ruiten ruitenboer ruitenbreker ruitensproeier ... video videoanalyse videoapparaat videoapparatuur videoarchief videoband ...
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Who is the vocalyst in YouTube?
Bethany started her YouTube channel, The Vocalyst, in 2022 in order to provide a space where audiences can learn about vocal mechanics while listening to and honoring great artists, both past and present. Since its beginning, the channel has grown to welcome over 400K subscribers.
Who is _vector_ on YouTube?
Vector is a well-known American YouTuber and a famous social media personality. He commands a significant following with 24.9 million subscribers on his main YouTube channel '_vector_' and 4.6 million followers on Instagram under the handle “_vector_". Vector was born in California.
Who is Numberphile on YouTube?
Numberphile is produced by video journalist Brady Haran. The stars of the show include mathematicians and other guests from around the world (see a list here). Topics range from the sublime to the ridiculous… from historic discoveries to recent breakthroughs.
How many YouTube channels does caylus have?
His gaming channel name is "Caylus", his shorts channel is "Infinite Shorts", now he has a Spanish channel named "Caylus en Español".
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