"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
picture of the change in the body composition of these children . The mean annual increment for total body fat is not significantly different from zero for boys , but it is ... Siervogel , A. F. Roche , P. Webb and E. Rogers.
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture books. Journal of Social Behavior & Personality, 11(5), 27–39. Peters, M. (1994). Boys whistle, girls sing ... Siervogel, R. M. (2005). Early menarche and the development of cardiovascular disease risk factors in adolescent ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Siervogel , R. M. , Maynard , L. M. , Wisemandle , W. A. , Roche , A. F. , Guo , S. S. , Chumlea , W. C. , & Towne ... picture ? The effects of iconicity on toddlers ' reenactment from picture books . Developmental Psychology , 42 ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture of the increasing prevalence of obesity (Flegal, Carroll, Ogden, & Johnson, 2002). Rates have more than ... Siervogel, 1994; Guo, & Chumlea, 1999; Must, Jacques, Dallal, Bajema, & Dietz, 1992; Whitaker, Wright, Pepe, Seidel ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture. Lancet. 2015;385:2510–2520. 75. Chinn S. Definitions of childhood obesity: current practice. EurJ Clin ... Siervogel RM, Towne B, Demerath EW, Czerwinski SA. Gene-by-age effects on BMI from birth to adulthood: the Fels ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Siervogel RM . 2000. Childhood Weight , Stature , and Body Mass Index Among Never Overweight , Early - Onset ... Picture - Sort Food Frequency Questionnaire Administered to Low - income , Overweight , African - American Adolescent ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... picture , and it is important to consider the height , age , and gender of the child as well . For example , the ... Siervogel , Chumlea , & Webb , 1981 ) . BMI is easy to use , as it is readily computed from measured height and ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Siervogel RM , Wisemandle W , Maynard LM , Guo SS , Chumlea WC , Towne B. 2000. Lifetime overweight status in ... picture - sort food fre- quency questionnaire administered to low - income , over- weight , African - American ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
... Siervogel , has contributed to an under- standing of correlations within limbs and defining the three develop ... picture . Living dermatoglyphics are awesome in their power to suggest developmental correlations with structure and ...
"siervogel" (afbeelding | picture) from
New features of this book include a specific range of recommended gain for obese women.