... Stekelhuidigen ( algemeen ) met video- film . Zee - egels en hun geheimen met video- film . Zeelelies . T. Jannink , Oliemolensingel 131 , 7511 BB Enschede , 053-4312839 . De Ontwikkeling van het zoogdier , tot aan de zondeval . Een ...
The Origin is examined within the historical context in which it was written, and modern examples are used to reveal how this work remains a relevant and living document for today.
Wind Turbine Foundations presents the latest international research and case studies on offshore wind farm foundations. Chapters encompass field observations on sites in several countries, as well as computational and laboratory studies.
"Earth's Dynamic Systems, Ninth Edition" uses the hydrologic system and the tectonic system as the foundation to help build an understanding of physical geology.
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the natural resources the world needs – it is crucial to satisfying our craving for the latest high-tech gadgets; the Inga Dam could light up all of Africa; while Congo’s farmers could feed a billion ...