Apioporthe vepris (Lacroix) Wehm. Family: Valsaceae. [Anisogramma vepris ... Mushroom Observer. Apioporthe vepris. Open Interactive Map.
Taxon name Apioporthe vepris. Summary Apioporthe vepris (Lacroix) Wehm., Amer. J. Bot. 13 (4): 244 (1926) [MB#255346]
Taxonomic and nomenclatural information for the scientific name: Apioporthe vepris. Provided by Ngā Harore o Aotearoa through the Biota of NZ.
Apioporthe vepris on raspberry; 1) Stromatic pustules on a dead cane of 'Newburg' red raspberry, collected April 1970, 2) Lesion and pycnidia of Phomopsis ...
Mar 2, 2011 · Hi, can somebody tell me if my determination is right with Apioporthe vepris? It has spores around 10-12x3-4µm with a non-central septation ...
Schemes including Apioporthe vepris · NatureWatch NZ Apioporthe vepris · GBIF (2565981) Apioporthe vepris.
Apioporthe vepris. Associated Organism, Rubus fruticosus. Actually on. Locality, Europe: Northern Europe: Great Britain: Suffolk. Date, 1977-09-03. Notes. Herb ...
Apioporthe vepris (Delacr.) Wehm. ; class, Sordariomycetes ; subclass, Diaporthomycetidae ; order, Diaporthales ; family, Valsaceae ; genus, Apioporthe Höhn.
Accepted Name · Cryptodiaporthe vepris (Delacr.) Petr. ; Synonym · Apioporthe vepris (Delacr.) Wehm. synonym ; Name · Cryptodiaporthe vepris (Delacr.) Petr. accepted.
Fungi CBS_FIL Apioporthe vepris ; Name, Strain Number ; Apioporthe vepris, (Delacroix) Wehmeyer, CBS 612.81 ; Apioporthe vepris, (Delacroix) Wehmeyer, CBS 788.68.