Bactra lancealana is a moth of the family Tortricidae found in Europe. The moth has a wingspan of 11–20 mm. The forewings are pale ochreous or ochreous- ...
Distribution: NT, MB, QC, Canada - BOLD Type locality: Germany. Description/ Field Marks: 2707 Bactra verutana Zeller, 1875 is best separated by dissection.
Quite a variable species, with some individuals being almost unicolorous, others with a pale streak along the fore edge of the darker brown wing.
Rather common throughout Britain, it occupies marshes and heaths, and the larvae feed on various rushes including Juncus and Scirpus.
Widespread. Easily confused with other Bactra species. Distinguished from B. furfurana by the crescent-shaped discocellular mark and the absence of a basal ...
Bactra lancealana is a moth of the family Tortricidae found in Europe. The moth has a wingspan of 11–20 mm. and flies from May to October.
Black-blotched Bactra Moth Bactra lancealana (Hubner, 1796). Family: Tortricidae. Subfamily: Olethreutinae. Identification: Wing Span: Life History: Flight:.
Bactra lancealana (Hübner, 1799) is a moth of the family Geometridae that can be found on the island of Crete, Greece.
Bactra lancealana (Hübner, 1799) on Cyperaceae, Juncaceae parasite larvae bore in the stem and in the rhizome; here also the hibernation and pupation.
Tortricidae: genus; Bactra: species; Bactra lancealana. Name. Synonyms: Ancylis lanceolana Hübner, 1825 · Aphelia lanceolana (Hübner, 1799) · Bactra dibeliana ( ...