Blastobasis phycidella is a moth in the family Blastobasidae. It is found in most of Europe Blastobasis phycidella. Scientific classification ˇ Edit this ...
This species occurs in central and southern Europe and prior to 1990 was only known in The British Isles from four specimens found at Southampton in 1930.
Name ˇ Oecophora phycidella Zeller, 1839 ˇ Oecophora roscidella Zeller, 1847 ˇ Blastobasis phycidella Zeller, 1839; Common names: Grauwe spaandermot in Dutch ...
Η Blastobasis phycidella is a small-sized moth of the family Blastobasidae on the island of Crete, Greece.
Local on a wooded south-facing cliff on Guernsey, where first discovered in 1990. Prior to this, it was known only from four females taken at Southampton ...
EPPO Code: BLAAPH ; Preferred name: Blastobasis phycidella ; Authority: (Zeller) ; Kingdom Animalia ( 1ANIMK ) ; Phylum Arthropoda ( 1ARTHP ).
Photos und information about biology, development, habitat and distribution of Blastobasis phycidella/glandulella.
Similar species. Blastobasis glandulella ˇ Blastobasis pannonica. 17 - 19 mm. Drsnohřbetka stínová. Dvijuostis blastobazis. Közönséges avarevőmoly.
Jan 13, 2022 ˇ A not so common species in Belgium. It is more often encountered in the northern provinces. Details. Classification: Family: Blastobasidae ...
Blastobasis phycidella (Zeller, 1839). Hampshire Dowd. species. Accepted. Name authority: UKSI.